Galeríaeurocsim2022-06-09T14:29:10+00:00 GALERÍA Pedido/pregunta THE GALLERY OF SALT ROOMS WITH IIRIS GENERATORS Since 2002, there are more than 2680 units of IIRIS halogenerators working successfully around the world. Halos in Estonia Halos in Estonia Sitsi in Estonia Norway, Vigrestad Russia, Russia, Saudi Arabia Riyadh Saudi Arabia Riyadh Salt Room in Mettmann, Germany Salt room in Villages, USA, Salt room in Slovenia Salt room in Orlando, USA, Salt room in Slovenia, Salt room in Hong Kong Salt room in Guatemala, Salt room in Georgia Salt room in Kyrgystan Salt room in Kyrgystan Salt Room Helsinki, Finland Johannesburg, South Africa Salt room in Dublin, Ireland Salt room in Trollhattan, Sweden Salt room in Israel Salt room in Porto Alegre, Brazil Salt room in Zagreb, Croatia Salt Room Koppen, UK Salt Room in Romania Salt Room in Brazil Salt Room Coral, Estonia Salt Room in Dubai Salt Room in hotel Dorpat, Estonia Salt Room in hotel Babor, Estonia Salt Room in Kolkata, India Salt Room in Hungary Salt Room Framare, Estonia Kids salt room in Orlando, USA, Salt Cocoon SALTARIUM, Keila health centre, Estonia Salt room in Germany Salt room in Stockholm, Sweden Salt room in Israel Salt room in Israel Salt cabin, Helsinki Salt room in Estonia Salt room in Slovenia, Salt room in Madrid, Spain