The IIRIS halotherapy method & halogenerators of the New Generation
IIRIS halotherapy is based on a unique “non-stop” method of dry salt aerosol producing which was invited by the specialists of the company Indium Top LLC, see the generator patent 23.06.2005.
There are 6 articles of salt generators “Iiris”, which are working on this principle. They differ mainly of Control Board, appearance and prices:
“Iiris-63”, “IIRIS-83” and “Iiris-77”.
IIRIS halogenerators avoid the ““start-stop-start” technology which is based on expensive but not accurate sensors of salt aerosol concentration. The sensors of aerosol which are available on today’s market and are usually located inside of salt room, request the special and labour-intensive cleaning and calibration before the beginning of each session. Without this maintenance, they are not accurate, they are not able to detect adequate amounts of salt aerosol and often display the false values of salt aerosol concentration.
Thanks to the expanded Memory Board (included within the generator’s control board), IIRIS halogenerators allow the indirect display of the dry aerosol concentration. This technology is based on the modern microprocessor CPU and the HiTec. The Memory Board consists of the database of highly precision measurements of dry aerosol in salt rooms of 10 typical sizes and the display shows the concentration in a real time. The measurements were done with professional devices which had certified calibration.
So, the unique concept of IIRIS halogenerators and company Indium Top LLC is:
the method of indirect display of dry aerosol concentration, based on the
modern microprocessor technology !
The features of IIRIS halotherapy
IIRIS halotherapy is a method of health improvement and prophylactics with the dry salt aerosol. It requires a specific and controllable microclimate within the salt room (salt cave) of 4-25m2 (5-75m3).
The main features of the IIRIS halotherapy and IIRIS halogenerators :
• The concentration of the salt aerosol is within the limits of 0,5-15 mg/m3
• The size of the salt particles is 2-10μm
• IIRIS salt aerosol generators are designed to work in a “non-stop” regime throughout the chosen session time
• IIRIS salt aerosol generators memory database consists of the precision measurements of salt aerosol concentration in following room sizes (m2): 4-6; 7-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19-20; 21-22; 23-24; 25.
• The total amount of pre-measured values in the database of IIRIS halogenerators (10 possible salt room sizes) is about 2400.
• The respective salt room size has to be entered into the generator’s memory
• Before starting the session, the operator can choose one of 6 possible regimes of carrying out the salt therapy session. The chosen regime provides different salt aerosol concentrations (mg/m3):
o 0.5 – 1.5 mg/m3
o 2.5 – 4.0 mg/m3
o 5.0 – 7.5 mg/m3
o 8.5 – 10.0 mg/m3
o 11.0 – 12.5 mg/m3
o 14.0 – 25.0 mg/m3